Friday, January 16, 2009

Goals for 2009 NOT RESLUTIONS!

Lets see..... Business Goals for 2009

1. Get my business license and resale number. Surprised as some of you may be, I haven't acquired these two vital pieces of documentation as of yet. Apparently it wasn't even necessary until I surpassed a certain sales figure, but that time has come. So I am going to get this done.

2. Get organized. I mean this in a few ways. Organize my inventory and keep track of it daily by using a jewlery manager program. It is extremely time consuming to look up the cost of my items manually by flipping through old invoices and searching online. I think this software will change the way my business is run!

3. Set up at two events per month in the months of March through November. This will take some planning definately. Not only craft fairs, but I have been very graciously encouraged to join the local farmer's market. Much to my surprise and delight, the sellers I usually buy my vegies and jams from, want very much to start encouraging "Kentucky Proud" artisans and sellers to set up. I feel pretty good about this move considering our farmer's market is packed on any Saturday.

4. For my online participation... Keep a healthily stocked etsy shop, participate in every JET Team project I can get my hands on, and Blog more regularly!

I think these four goals will be good stepping stones. Hopefully I can come back and add more goals to my list as I knock them out!

2009 is going to be an awesome year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great goals for 2009! I need to do 1,2, and 4 also! The vendors at your farmers market sound like a great group. Good luck with your sales there.